Chemistry in the Kitchen:  The Chemical Senses

XV.  The Chemical Senses:  Taste and Smell

A.  The Nature and Function of the Chemical Senses

1.  sampling the chemical compostion of our world


2.  the importance of smell

3.  flavor preferences


B.  Taste

1.  taste buds




2.  Chemical structure and taste




3.  the basic tastes


4.  sweet taste

5.  sour taste

6.  salty taste

7.  bitter taste

8.  other aspects of taste


9.  taste inhibition and modification


10.  umami


11.  the temperature of food


C.  Smell

1.  the nose can discriminate...

2.  the olfactory cells



3.  theories of olfaction




4.  adaptation and fatigue


D.  Flavor

1.  flavor:  complex interactions between taste and smell




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