Literature in Translation: Writing L'Amérique
250 Years of French Travel Journals
Syllabus Daily Class Activities
French 277 / English 170
Literature in Translation:
Writing "L'Amerique":
250 Years of French Travel Journals
Dr. James Matthews
Meeting Day(s) and Time: MTWHF 1:00-4:00 PM
Building and Room: Buck 101
Type of Course:
~Will count for general education in Literature
~Will count for U.S. Diversity Flag
Course Description:
When Robert Cavalier Sieur de la Salle planted the Royal flag in the soil near the mouth of the Mississippi River, he claimed the river, all of the land adjacent to the river, and of its tributaries, and all lands adjacent to those tributaries for Louis XIV, King of France. In this course, we will look at other examples of Frenchman who thought big about the present central United States. We will read in English the travel journals of Pere Marquette, La Salle, Chateaubriand, and de Tocqueville, as well as selected texts that describe "Louisiane"; what did they see and what did they experience? How much did they invent? In what ways did their description assist in inventing America in the minds of their European audience?
Student performance will be measured by essays, class discussion, and participation in a small-group multi-media project. Day trips to St. Louis, Peoria, Dickson Mounds are included. Students selecting the course for French credit must have the permission of the instructorand must agree to all standards established by the French section.